Is there anything we can do to fix the problems because of a stroke ?

Matheus Martins -

Magnesium, injected within two hours of stroke, is now being tested in California.   As part of the FastMag trials, ambulance drivers are giving magnesium to stroke victims.  Given in this short window of time after occurrance of stroke has been shown to lessen the damage in the brain. 

After sometime, however, the damage is more permanent and harder to reverse.   However changes can still occur for the better. You should get some magnesium oil from LL's magnetic clay and start using it on a regular basis as a massage oil on affected limbs or in a bath.   It can increase circulation to paralyzed limbs, loosen muscles and will reduce associated pain. You might be surprised at the changes you see. Use of Cannabidiol  (CBD) can also reduce effects of strokes:  

Researchers are finding that many antioxidants can reduce the severity of ischemic strokes, in which blood vessels in the brain become blocked. During ischemic strokes, which make up 80% of all strokes, toxins in the brain initiate the release of reactive oxygen molecules called free radicals into the bloodstream. These harmful "free radical" molecules, along with a lack of oxygen-rich blood flowing to the brain, are under suspicion as one of the primary agents that cause stroke damage, such as paralysis and loss of speech and vision. Oxygen rich blood will also help to combat these free radicals.  These things and more can be found on Dr. Sircus’ protocol.

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